Tuesday 30 April 2013

FreeYour Spirit - The Soul

When the soul speaks, we often feel an upwelling that compels us to do something out of the ordinary. Moments of vision take us into a realm of awe and wonder. Limitations dissolve. We melt into infinite possibility. Immortality of the soul dawns. We are boundless. We are free.

And just as we get going - something snaps us back in to the ‘real world’! The dream is obliterated. It seems like a far fetched fantasy. The mountain is insurmountable; so we carry on as before...

In my experience, contrary to conventional belief, the ‘real world’ is actually the first scenario. The likelihood is that the extraordinary vision was an upwelling from the soul. It is the opportunity to free the soul from the walls we needlessly build to protect it.
So, what is it that snaps us back from following the Soul?

Talking ourselves out of it

More often than not it is self doubt, fear of the unknown or self imposed obligation to something or someone. These are all anchors preventing liberation of our soul.

One of the biggest reasons I discovered for 'talking myself out of flowing with the Soul', was that I was afraid of becoming ‘me’! I mean, even as a confident evolving being, I still found a part of me holding onto some kind of anchor.
It may sound most odd, yet becoming who we truly are is possibly the most daunting thing that we can experience as a human being. It involves letting go of everything!

Contained in a bubble

Imagine that your spirit is contained within a bubble,
the walls of which nothing can permeate.
Imagine that bubble floating like a balloon.
Now see that there are lots and lots of ropes that
firmly anchor this balloon to something.
That something is your human experience.
So life goes on merrily (or un-merrily)
as we go about our daily business with our spirit
restrained and bound in a bubble.

Most of us reading this have reached a stage in our evolution where we are touching our soul. After awakening and connecting with the soul, we begin to look at our ‘stuff’ in varying detail. Every time we overcome part of our baggage, we untie one of these anchoring ropes. Our 'balloon-bound' spirit begins to experience more and more freedom as the ropes loosen. We’ll feel more and more freedom - at times we even momentarily transcend limitations altogether, feeling unrestrained and universal. As long as there are still ropes anchoring the balloon though, we will always snap out of the experience and have something else to unravel.

Why don’t we just sever the ties?

In theory, we could just wield the universal sword and severe all the ties in one fell swoop. But we don’t. Of course we don’t. Once all of the the ropes have been cut, the balloon will be released, the impermeable wall falls away and we are unleashed into absolute freedom. Whilst is sounds extraordinarily awesome - and we might think - "right lets do it now", there is a part of us that still holds on. There is good reason for this. Such freedom of spirit is like nothing we would have known before; so a gradual assimilation is often the best way. It’s not until we have relinquished every attachment that we undo the last of the anchors.

Absolute trust

To be so free and unrestrained involves 100% trust in the universe. This is one of the last remaining doubts to go.
Even as evolved beings who have resolved most ‘stuff’, the reason we ‘snap’ back from experiences of sublime beauty is because of lack of trust. In order to trust we have to let go of every expectation, desire, hope, dream, belief, in fact every everything. It’s a pretty tall order!

Life will never be the same again. Yet we will be awesomely fine with that. We won’t know what is coming in each moment, yet we are ready for whatever that is.Becoming who we truly are takes a cataclysmic leap of faith into the unknown; unrestrained surrender into the divine flow of the universe in every moment, unleashing miraculous happenings that we never imagined possible. To feel the whole, completeness of our absolute authenticity, is the liberation, yearning in our deepest depths. Yet to experience this, we have to close our eyes to the world and start seeing with the eyes of the Soul. We begin to feel the space between the spaces and communicate in alignment with the flow of the .

Profound self honesty

The best way to begin is to allow the upwelling to arise and follow the pull of your soul. Feel the truth in your heart. Listen with profound self honesty. What does it really say?By doing this, the 'anchoring ropes' will begin to fall away one by one.
Keep listening.
Keep trusting.
Keep unfolding until all of the ropes have undone.
Then you will soar like a bird released!

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