Sunday 28 April 2013

"Build Strength, Courage and Communicate Better"

Well, this statement provokes some thought. The Lion from Oz certainly
comes to mind. Having more guts or the courage to do things is always
going to be a help. Being courageous means facing fear head on and not
to be afraid to move further. Practice these affirmations daily and
you're on your way to manifesting strength and courage!

* What others think about me is unimportant - what I think about myself is vital
* I am proud of who I am; I respect myself
* I am strong, courageous and in control of my life
* I radiate courage and strength in everything I do today
* I find it easy to approach and communicate confidently with others
* I act with bravery in all situations today
* I find it easy to draw upon inner strength and courage when I need it
* It's easy to speak my mind, and I do it
* Day by day, in every way, I build my strength and courage
* I love the Source of all my courage

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