Thursday 2 May 2013

Gulzar Dadi's Class on 1st May, 2013 with ORCs

Gulzar Dadi - Additional Chief, Prajapita Brahmakumaris World Spiritual University

When Baba(God) sees each jewel, He wants to make them elevated but He too is bound by the law of the world. As each day passes by, smile in happiness by looking at your fortune and say Wah Baba Wah! Baba says – Wah child Wah! Baba has love for each child. There are so many people in the world – why did He chose only us? We are those of each cycle who are Baba’s instruments.

Remember just 2 things – God (Bhagwan) and fortune (Bhagya). Wah my fortune – have this intoxication and happiness throughout the day. 

As we are in the old world things keep happening, but remember that my fortune is with me, God has chosen me. We have to serve in a gathering where each one has variety nature, but let me remember that Baba has made me an instrument for this task. Let there be the awareness at each step, who has given me this fortune? Keep on increasing the fortune that you have received. Step one is that I have received a fortune and the second step is that I am liked by Baba because of my activity so that Baba says Wah child wah !

See your daily routine - not just what you did but see what was my awareness through the day? Did I remember God and fortune in every task? Its Baba’s kindness that He saw my fortune and made me sit here, now what do I have to do? I have to increase the fortune that I have received.

According to the drama you have a service companion, it is my duty to transform them through my company and make them equal. Each night, give your report to Baba, take drishti from Him and then sleep. When we were small Baba used to come to each one of us and say good night. Now we are grownups so we should go to Baba. Baba fills power through his drishti. Even the words ‘good night’ were filled with power so that we felt as if we have received a great treasure.

We have received the fortune of staying in Baba’s home, to do seva and we are safe from the colour of company. See your fortune in every aspect. Baba is feeding us. From morning, see what fortune has Baba bestowed on me and am I experiencing that? If you are content with your routine then there is happiness.

Baba says – be happy and make others happy. Talk to yourself- who else will receive a fortune like mine! This will bring happiness. Whatever seva you do, you are sitting in Baba’s home. Baba has found each one from east and west.

In a gathering small things may sometimes happen but then there is also so much happiness in a gathering. A test paper makes you stronger that before. Whatever you do, make Baba sit in your heart. When something happens check is Baba in my heart?

If I am firm that I belong to Baba, I have passed one course. Can you imagine how happy Baba is to see you? Just imagine that! Have the feeling that Baba is mine and He has come for me. He wishes me good morning and good night.

Do you ever get tired? Keep flying like Baba. There is joy in flying. Be a flying bird. There should be no report of mine. No one should speak about me. The one who is sensible understands the weakness of the self and finishes it within. If you have conflict with anyone, understand his nature. Think of a yukti yourself through which you can remain ok. We have to move along as now we are connected and this relation cannot be broken. We can make ourselves safe. When we were young, we used to make small groups of 10-12 of us and make effort so that no report of our group should go to Baba. We passed in this so you too can pass.

What do we have to do to become No. 1? I have to keep myself OK. Each one makes an effort to transform, someone’s nature changes soon while others take time. Do not see or copy others, if you do so then their weakness will come in you too. Look at those who are good in their efforts.

When we were small, Baba used to send us for seva suddenly without any prior programme or intimation. But His words did wonders. Baba said – don’t get perplexed, remember Baba and Baba will definitely help. 

Om shanti!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Who is God and what is his form

Understanding God

In this world, many beliefs exist about God. As a result, people understand God in their own way and often in their own imagination. But what is required is the understanding God as He is, what He is and how He is. The correct understanding about God has to be given by God Himself!

There are some who don't believe in the existence of God, often the reason being His existence cannot be proved like that of human beings. But because we cannot see God with the gross eyes, it doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. Just like wind, which cannot be seen but can be very much felt, it is possible to experience God's presence through Godly knowledge and meditation.

Who is God and what is His form and name?

We shall now try to understand who God or the Supreme Soul is. The term 'Supreme Soul' means He is supreme among all souls. It implies that, He is also 'a soul', though He is the Highest of all. He is above birth and death. God is the Supreme Father-Mother, Supreme teacher and Supreme Preceptor to all the human beings and He himself has no father-mother, teacher and preceptor. 

God is a subtle, infinitesimal point of Light. He is not visible to the naked eye but it is very much possible to experience His presence and proximity in meditation. He is incorporeal in the sense that he does not have a body of his own. He is not a human being nor does He have a human form. He is immune to pleasure and pain unlike human beings.

Names are a means of identification of human beings after they are born. They do not speak of qualities and actions of the person; they are simply proper nouns and are not attributive names. But the name of the supreme soul or God is based on His qualities and actions. His self-revealed name is 'Shiva'. 'Shiva' means doer of good or benefactor. God does good to all and therefore He is called Shiva. All souls ask for salvation and beatitude i.e. peace and happiness from Him. People remember Him by many other expressive names.

His Virtues
God is the Supreme Father of all. He is called the creator. He is oceanic in his virtues - the ocean of peace, the ocean of love, the ocean of bliss, the ocean of knowledge, the ocean of happiness, the ocean of mercy, etc. He is the truth. He is the Almighty and Authority. He is reputed to be the preserver or sustainer of virtues and the destroyer of all evils. He is also the liberator, the guide, and the bestower of salvation, therefore the sadguru. He dispels sorrow, bestows joy. God is perfect in all ways and absolutely detached and loving. He is very benevolent and helpful and so souls ask all things of him. When in sorrow and losing all hope, souls turn to him intuitively and inevitably.

Many are the religions and paths that souls take in their quest for reaching God. Many wars have been waged in his name. However, he does not exclusively belong to anyone. He belongs to everyone equally.

The Supreme Father of all Souls

God is the father of all souls in this world. It is observed that all religions have images, idols or memorials bearing one name or another to represent the form of Light that God is. All over India, the images of the form that Shiva has is found installed; these images are without any human form, in the form of linga, which is the symbol of an incorporeal Being. At Mecca, in the holy place of Kaaba, a stone image with oval form is called "Sang-e-Aswad". The devotes who go for Haj kiss this holy stone. Jesus Christ said, "God is Light". Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism also sang the praise of Him who is 'All-Light' ( ek Omkar) and is incorporeal. In olden days, the Jews held a stone of this shape in their hands while taking a solemn oath and it is believed that Moses had vision of this form of God when he saw a flame behind the bush. The Zoroastrians worship God as fire. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the sun as god. A Buddhist sect in Japan focuses the mind on a small oval shape. They call it Karni, the peace giver.

It seems therefore that human beings, without realizing, have all been worshipping and trying to discover the same God. There is only one God and His form is a point of light. He is called by different names in different religions.

The Divine Abode of God
Where does God live? Is there somewhere one can go to see Him, to be with Him? God is a subtle point of light, and He does not pervade the physical universe. Nor does he live in the heart of any human being or in any matter. Neither is He omnipresent; nor is He having a human form. His home is the incorporeal world, an infinite expanse of golden-red light, which is beyond this physical world we live. It is the original abode of all souls as well. The incorporeal world is known as Paramdham or Brahmlok. Knowing where the Supreme Father is, we can establish connection with Him through thoughts during meditation.

The Divine Descent of God
God descends into this world when it is under the spell of extreme darkness of ignorance, unrighteousness, moral turpitude, spiritual lassitude and religious decrepitude. This is described in scriptures as "Dharma Glani". Looking at the state of affairs today, it should not be difficult for us to conclude that the time the world is undergoing at present is indeed the Dharma Glani. This is the period of darkness when sins and crimes of all kinds usually take place; when man gropes around for want of clear vision. It is at this time that God intervenes in the affairs of mankind. The divine intervention takes place at the darkest hour of human history when the human soul is groping in the darkness of ignorance about the self, the creator and the creation; when the souls are blinded by the vices of lust, arrogance, anger, greed and attachment.

It is in this time that God descends in the body of an ordinary man to reveal the Godly Knowledge, which paves way to victory over vices and cultivate divine qualities in life. This enables human beings to transform into divine beings again.

Human Consciousness

Understanding the Self

Sometime in the journey of life, some of the following questions might have crossed your mind. Even if they haven't, they eventually will certainly occur !

Who am I? What am I?
What is my real identity?
How do my thoughts and feelings interact with the body?
How to make my mind powerful?
Breaking the mysteries of mind; Understanding thoughts, how they come and go, how to regulate them Why do we come under emotions, feelings, tension and stress How an individual develops behavioral patterns, traits etc; how to transform them How to enjoy this precious life? Leading a life of peace and bliss.
The first lesson is all about complete understanding of the self, which has remained a mystery that has eluded scientists, philosophers, great thinkers and many other intellectuals.

Soul and body
The human body is a complex pattern of physical energies. Atomic particles build together to form the organic structures and inorganic minerals, which perform the body's chemical interactions, thus forming the basis of the hormonal and nervous control of the body. What we see as the old or young, ugly or beautiful, male or female, are also the differing levels of physical energies. However marvelous a machine the body may be, it is the presence of the non-physical conscious energy, the soul, which makes it function.

What Am I?
I am a living entity different from the body! Just as a person who speaks with the help of a telephone or listens to a call with the help of that instrument, has his entity different from that of the telephone - he himself being a living person who has the faculties or characteristics of feeling, thinking, willing and making effort. Similarly, the conscious entity in the body which uses the word "I" is different from the body which has eyes, ears, nose etc as it's components. I am not the eyes, the ears or the mouth but I see with my eyes, speak through the mouth, hear with the ears and am their master. I am a soul (Atma), eternal and immortal. The body is mortal; I have got it to do actions and to experience the result of my actions. I am the doer and the one who experiences.

The soul is like a driver in-charge of the body, which serves as a carriage to the soul. The soul is a diamond, the body being the casket for it. When the soul leaves the body, the body is declared 'dead'. Then people set about cremating it because, it's valuable owner, the soul, has already left and the body is of no use. When the soul has relinquished the body, people say, " the light (which is soul) has gone, that which lived in it has departed and the drama is over".

Faculties of a Soul
The soul is a living or a sentient being. It is said to be conscient or living because it can think and reflect; it can experience pleasure and pain, so also bliss and peace; it can bestir itself and make efforts and actions - good or bad. A soul has three faculties - mind, intellect and predispositions.

Mind is the thinking faculty of the soul. It is the mind that imagines, thinks and forms ideas. The thought process is the basis of all emotions, desires and sensations. It is through this faculty that, in an instant, thoughts can be projected to a distant place, past experiences and emotions can be relived or even the future can be anticipated. It is the mind that experiences the variations of moods. The mind is a faculty of the metaphysical soul, not be confused with the heart or the brain.

Intellect is used to assess thoughts. This is the faculty of understanding and decision-making which stands out as the most crucial faculty of the three. With the deepening and broadening of the intellect, clear understanding and the realization of the knowledge becomes natural, and the power to decide and reason becomes clear. It is the intellect which remembers, discriminates, judges and exercises its power in the form of will.

Predispositions (called Sanskaras in hindi) are the "impressions" or "subconsciousness" which is the record of all the soul's past experiences and actions. Sanskaras can take the forms of habits, talents, emotional temperaments, personality traits, beliefs, values or instincts. Every action as an experience either creates a sanskar ( this is how a habit begins) or reinforces an old one. Whatever impression is etched in the soul remains within it, forming a complete archive of all the experiences that the soul has had. When we speak of defects, specialties or virtues, we are referring to the sanskaras. The sanskaras are the basis of the soul's individuality.

Seat of the Soul
The soul is located in the middle of the forehead in between the two eyebrows. This is the seat of the soul. The brain is the "control-room". Just as a driver controls the car using different parts of the mechanism seated at one place, the soul employs the brain to control the body. Brain is the machine by means of which the soul thinks, remembers, receives messages from or gives directions to the sense-organs. The brain is the meeting place of all nerves, which carry sensations from all parts of the body to brain which functions like a control-room and makes the body to work. It is in the brain that the soul, through the nerves, puts the body to work and experiences physical sensations, pleasure and pain or happiness and sorrow. But, the brain is separate from the soul, brain is a complex thing made of matter whereas the soul has the life-principal or consciousness.

Nature of Soul
A soul is a tiny, metaphysical, conscient point of spiritual light. There are a finite number of souls. Each soul is eternal. They were never created, and will never be destroyed. Each soul is unique. We are all souls, unique and different and remain so eternally. As such, souls are invisible to the naked eyes, but one can experience it's presence. A soul has no gender.

The intrinsic nature of the soul is that of love, peace, happiness, truth, bliss, purity. Therefore, souls always desire for experiences of these qualities. These are the qualities that naturally emerge when the soul is aware of itself, or in other words, is soul-conscious.

Body-Consciousness - the root cause of all evils in the world

A person is in body conscious when he/she identifies himself or herself with the physical body, ie when the thinking, feeling, actions and behaviors are with the awareness that he or she is a body. Being in body conscious is the root cause of all the evils in the world because the vices like lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego are all having their roots in body - consciousness.

Soul - Consciousness - the key for a blissful life
When a person is in the state of awareness that "I am a Soul and not this physical body", then he/she would be in soul consciousness. In other words, the person thinks, feels, acts, behaves, compares etc with the awareness that he or she is a soul, the master of the body. When in soul-consciousness, the original qualities of a soul naturally emerge. Then it is possible to experience lasting peace and bliss.

Karma Philosophy
There are times when thoughts of distress and tension raise their ugly head. There are situations when a person searches for right answers. Here are some typical examples - Why are we here? Why was I born here and he there? Why is she beautiful and I ugly? Why is so and so crippled for no apparent fault of theirs? Why does the egotistical bully who browbeats his business companions, fiddles his income tax returns and beats his wife, attain outstanding worldly success? Why does the timid, quiet little widow who has never said a harsh word to anyone, live in appalling conditions and die unwanted and uncared for? Why did he have to die? Why did he do that to me? Why is there so much suffering? Why this, why that?

The answers lie in one eternal truth - based on the Law of Karma or the Karma Philosophy - that no one can escape the result of his or her karma. Depending on the bad or good karma or action, one will suffer or enjoy, either in this or the next life. No one can escape the result of his or her karma. The law of Karma is inviolable. So everyone must act with a sense of responsibility. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. So we must acquire right knowledge of what is good and what is bad action. The morale of the story - I have to do right karma for my benefit; it is not for showing it to anyone outside.

Every human action has a moral aspect. If a person's certain act is morally good, the person gets ultimately benefited. If, on the other hand, his acts are morally bad, he suffers. It would require a lot of space to express what is morally good and bad. But in one sentence, it may be said that, if a person acts under the influence of hatred, anger, lies, prejudice, greed, ego, partiality, lust and such other acts under the influence of body-consciousness, then his actions ate bad or negative. These create disharmony and conflict and sufferings in the society. On the other hand, if a person has a balanced judgment, stability of mind, peace of the spirit and acts with the feeling of love, justice, sympathy, humility and the such other actions in soul-consciousness, then his acts are good because such acts promote harmony, peace, unity and happy feelings. 

The Power of Thought
The most powerful instrument that mankind possesses is thought power. Thoughts build our consciousness and shape our attitude. One needs to know how important thoughts are. Every human creation we see in this world is due to powerful thoughts in human minds. Thoughts shape our world. Thoughts are fertilized by knowledge. A person with a certain kind of knowledge usually creates thoughts in harmony with that knowledge. Knowledge gives wisdom; a person without knowledge is a person whose thoughts will be formed in ignorance.

Every action is preceded by thoughts. The quality of thoughts determines the quality of our karma. The karma in turn has good or bad effect on us. This again influences our thinking. So right thinking based on right knowledge is essential for leading a peaceful and contented life. Raja Yoga meditation helps us in doing the right thinking that leads to righteous actions. This also helps in remaining mentally strong amidst turbulent situations.